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Monday, 22 June 2009

In Depth: Stana and S.E.A.S Levels 1-10

Stana Obal
Starting Level: 8
Terrain Modifiers: Air- A Ground- B Water- C Space- A
SP Commands: Flash 15, Concentrate 15
Passive Abilities: Potential, Helper Lvl 1
Weapon Preference: Everything and anything.
Notes: A micro Jean or a slightly improved Keeruu Stana is another great all rounder with nice high modifiers. Her reflex compared to everyone else will end up second worse just a little ahead of Ray's but is defensivly offset by a generally higher evasion growth.
Her total accuracy calculation will actually work out just a little higher than Keeruu's, the second lowest on the team, but thanks to the awesome capabilities of the ERX-75 you won't really notice this. As the V-Team continue to get progressive upgrades Stana may eventually be outpaced by everyone else.
She also has the highest available SP pool so don't be afraid to burn the majoritory of it away early in fights.
Stana has Potential, another new passive ability we haven't had the chance to properly look at. Potential kicks in when Stana's at 25% hit points and less when it does she'll have a permanant Concentrate effect on her. That's a 30% bonus to evasion and accuracy that'll stack with Concentrate.
Other than the usual upgrade to Helper at level 10 Stana won't pick up another passive ability until level 12.
Stana's SP Commands are your typical real robot pilot listing with Concentrate and Flash available to her at the start and at level 10 she'll pick up Great Effort to let her really milk a great deal of experience from anything she kills.
Character Notes: Stana Obal is a weird combination of original character do not steal that's somewhat tethered down a little by some source material. Based off the female pilot introduced in the Arrow Flash shoot 'em up game on the Sega Genesis Stana brings along with her an additional story line that's fleshed out a little better than the original game from which she kind of comes from.
Mixed in with the rest of the group she brings along the loli factor into the party whilst somehow managing to stay a little more mature compared to the other girls. Dem eyes.

SP Commands: Analyse 1
Notes: S.E.A.S is our first real support AI system that has a place holder for it's character icon. As it's a support AI it has no stats of it's own short of an SP pool and is unable to pilot units on it's own in anyway. It's level will be based of the pilot it is supporting so it's command list and SP pool will be based entirely off whoever's at the controls.
S.E.A.S will always have Analyse, a cheap SP Command that's only advantage is the ability to scan and see the exact specifications of any enemy target, somewhat useless.
It will however pick up Accelerate at level 10 giving whoever is being supported by it a +3 movement command for 10 SP, something it can pull off 7 times with a level 10 SP Pool.

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