
The actual game can be found here.
Battle Masteries Posts relating to battle masteries.
Chapter One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Posts relating to certain chapters.
Combat Posts relating to actual combat.
FACT These posts are factual! Seriously! There's maths and stuff.
Flags Posts relating to easily missable content or relationship building.
Grindan Forever Where do you go for the most money?
Lol Opinions Every virus is entitled to his or her own opinion.
Pilots Posts relating to pilot growth and abilities.
Plot Shit Quick and gritty synopsis included in these posts.
Sub Missions Posts relating to sub missions.
Units Posts relating to in depth looks at units.

Bare Bone Facts Straight to the point.

Magical Link of Mystery. Where does it go?

Friday, 12 June 2009

In Depth: Demitris

High Performance M.I.V.S Prototype Mecha

Obtained Where:
Complete Chapter 4
Fixed Weapons: None
-1 x Melee Weapon (Laser Saber)
-1 x Ranged Weapon (Assault M4)
-2 x Special Weapon (Impact Launcher V2, Empty)
Adjustable Features:
-1 x Armor Slot (Sloped Armor)
-1 x Shielding (Empty)
-1 x Parts Slot(Empty)
-1 x Engine Slot (Integral Fast Generator)
-1 x Computer Slot (High Performance M.I.V.S)
-1 x Booster Slot (Dual-Mode Propulsors)
-1 x Misc Slot (Empty)
-2 x Consumable Slot (Empty, Empty)
-1 x Food Slot (Empty)
Terrain Features: No flight system. No inherrent hover capabilities.
Piloting Restrictions: None so far.
Notes: Huzzah our first unit that not only feels like a good upgrade but looks the part as well. The Demitris surpasses the Geves in multiple aspects with a nice big chunk added onto the hit point pool, a small but general boost to armor, evasion and reactor output and even better a big boost to terrain modifiers.

Whoever you throw into the Demitris will inevitably perform better all round with Bruno and Ikarane getting the most from the effect of A rank in space. Infact the game actually throws Bruno into the Demitris for a short grace period to get it fully armed before he is uncerimoniously gets thrown back into his Verein.

Ikarane will be able to make use of the two special slots more often and will keep the Demitris highly mobile and in the front line. Bruno will marginally benefit from the higher reactor output if he's a beam sniper and will have two helpings of explosives or shock bombs to fall back on as soon as he runs out of energy.

The Demitris also comes loaded with a few goodies we can't normally get a hold of. The Laser Saber's inventory description is a little incorrect. It's a lesser version of the beam saber with an attack power of 160 but it doesn't cost any energy to swing but it doesn't steal items on a critical hit. It's also considered a physical attack instead of beam.

The High Performance M.I.V.S is a computer part that provides us with a 15% accuracy bonus and a +10 bonus to reflexes.

There's also Sloped Armor that gives us a 200 hit point bonus along with 10 additional armor that makes us resistant to slash attacks at the cost of being weak to beam and explosives.

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Ch4 Epilogue "Please Give it to Me."

In another example of Anderson's boundless protagonist endurance Natalie walks in on the debreifing of the persons involved in this little accident only to find Anderson once again up and about not giving a damn about his near death experience.

Everyone's worried over what just transpired, except Keeruu because he's a bro. There's nothing to worry about though, whatever happened has had no lasting effects on Anderson and wasn't injured in his one man army rush on the King Bug so all's fine and dandy.

According to Natalie whatever happened to the Verein Zero has something to do with a virus called SERIKA, perhaps something left over in some overlooked M.I.V.S component still left behind in the cockpit. She requestions some help from Rey to Norton Anti-Virus that stuff right on out.

Normally we'd be interupted by Fiona dropping in on the meeting but if you've been paying attention to relationships and their flags then we get a great deal more dialogue before Miss Beautiful drops by. You need to have either Emma or Jean involved with Anderson.

Anderson will try to apologise to the team for his inability to act against the SERIKA virus. Being nice to Jean will result in her easily forgiving him, she trusts our brilliant commander but she'll forgive him more if he get's her some brand new weapons otherwise it's just a case of "It wasn't you fault anyway."

If Emma was brought along into the combat as a reinforcement then she'll also promise Anderson that if it'll ever happen again she'll stop him (With the power of love hopefully).

Other than these two little d'awww bits the additional cutscene helps explain the beserk like state of the Zero and Anderson's memory black out during the SERIKA take over.

Fiona's arrival to the meeting marks the beginning of the "companies" coup d'etat. They've acted much earlier than anyone expected and Fiona and her Raven are going to have to return to Earth pretty snappy. With the "companies" planning on establishing themselves as the true ruler of Earth though power some of the morally obliged or those tuned into the situation question the G.A.C's involvement.

It's pretty obvious that the G.A.C will remain out of this coup as the "companies" installing themselves as the controlling power on Earth may end up better the economy. Helping the "companies" though would be pretty bad for public image as well. Politics and capitolism! There's not alot else that can stand against the might of the "companies", the Earth Federation are too caught up in their war against Zeon and getting soundly thrashed and the UN are putting all their resources into containing the BETA.

Fiona also gives us a run down on the situation of Japan and it's involvment with BETA and the various super robots deployed in assiting UN forces. After giving us some useful information Fiona says her goodbyes. If we ever end up in Anatolia it might be worthwhile to find her...just as long as we don't end up becoming enemies in this mess.

Yohko's a little miffed that we can't do anything to stop the "companies"taking advantage of an Earth holding on by a thread against all it's enemies. If we've got a good relationship going on with Yohko she'll be comforted by the fact that we've been doing alot of good so far and is glad that she's able to get out there and helping the innocent people.

If we've been ignoring Yohko then she's simply humble with a case of "Eh, stuff happens."


It looks like Natalie and Rey may have a more involvement of the SERIKA virus than they first revealed. They're able to completly clear it because for some reason it's not in there at all but Natalie will install a trap system to catch it should it pop up again. Rey will pop the question (Not THE question) as to wether they should let everyone else know about their involvement with SERIKA.

If you chose to work on Natalie's relationship with Anderson over Jean then Natalie will be worried about the rest of the team finding out about the truth behind both her and Rey. Perhaps frightened of involving her new friends with something that might be way out of their league...

Otherwise it's a simple case of "It's not their problem" and the rest of the team don't have to know about anything.

Back on board the Tessaract Idris has picked up a new contract, one from the G.A.C specifically for us. Even though we've been exiled from the Amatsu they only want to deal with us "The G.A.C's only mobile force", at least we know where the rumours are coming from.

It's a really good contract as well, 100,000 in cash and a military market access upgrade and they sound pretty urgent. Consdiering the fat bank roll they're offering everyone's pretty much desperate to do it.

As an even better bonus we're getting our payment for the Rey Varista's test. We're also getting the experimental unit as well, concidering that technically we were the ones that "beat" the King Bug, along with a Maser Blade. If you got the battle mastery all sorted for this chapter then Rey's willing to let us have some additional components probably dripping in Varista brand logos.

A small argument will break out over who gets to use the new Maser Blade. If Jean's relationship with Anderson is pretty good then she'll almost win the argument with some sexual inuendo.

Oh Jean...

After all that's done it's tea time with the Albino Maido and normally that would be the end of the level.


Emma will pop by with a suprise for the commander. She's got a photo of everyone during the feast back on Libot which she presents to Anderson. It's a reminder to him that no matter what happens he now has an awesome bunch of friends who'll look out for him. D'awww.

- Some money, which has mysteriously dissapeared from the contract.
- New unit Demitris
- Maser Blade

If we cleared the battle mastery conditions we also get
- Sloped Armor
- Dual Mode Propulsors

Ch 4 Combat "Earth Defence Force 2017"

Giant bugs? All those memories from EDF are flooding back to me and we don't have an AF-20RAR between us. Speaking of funky military designations it's our first run in with an Armored Core unit and it is just swimming in abreviations and numbers...

Friendly Forces
-Verein Zero
- Noir
--- Unknown Raven (BESTEST MUSIC)

Enemy Forces
-3 x Giant Bugs with Anderson
-3 x Giant Bugs with Raven.

Nothing fancy about the deployment in this stage. It's just Anderson on his lonesome competing against the Unknown Raven.

Win Condition
Trying to beat the Raven in his AC Noir is made pretty difficult by a combination of him being level 15 compared to an Anderson who might be skirting level 10, maybe even level 11 if you grind like crazy. Things are further complicated with the AC Noir being probably one of the best units in game so far with a combination of damage reducing equipment, KARASAWA KARASAWA KARASAWA, and an incredibly high movement rate complete with overboost.

Then everything hits an 'impossible' wall due to phase order as well. Because the Raven is considered a neutral target it goes after getting a full round of counter attacks weakening his set of bugs. Even with you doing the best you can this often puts the Raven a whole phase ahead of you which he'll stretch even further with his ability to reach the second target square in a single turn where it'll take us two unless we start moving early and risk not killing our intial starting targets first.

There's a small chance of earning a phase back when we hit the second square in actions but by then the Raven will of had a turn or a turn and a phase ahead of us.

All in all, don't go busting a nut over trying to beat the Raven in this test. The odds are so horribly stacked against you there's little point in trying. Just focus on the battle mastery.

The giant bugs aren't so much of a threat. They're more adorable versions of the Leoships in the previous level except they can really stack up damage quickly a little later on.

It takes about two hits of an average weapon from any of the two available Zero frames to neutralize a bug with a base 100 morale. By the time we're skimming 140-150 with an active attack booster this can get reduced to a single shot/wrecking ball which really helps.

The giant bugs have an effective range of 7 squares, with a combination of movement 4 and a single post-movement attack with a range of 1-3 squres. This single attack is a gentle soothing spittle called acid spit which'll only gently carress the Zero but burns away half the armor value of any hit unit for a turn. Awesomley this effect doesn't stack otherwise we'd be pretty dead pretty fast.

The giant bugs have nothing stealable on them unless you want to outfit the Vereins with giant ant legs or something but I wouldn't recommend that.

Battle Mastery
The battle mastery for this level will require a fair bit of thinking ahead from the start to finish. It's quite possible to get this all cleaned up by the skin of your teeth dead on in 13 turns but just some general thinking will help shave this down to 10 turns or less.

With the Molior it's often better to use your single attack to fire off the grapling hook over getting off a wrecking ball shot. Statistically killing a bug in your phase isn't any different than killing it in it's phase with a counter shot. It's more economic and easier on your energy levels to pull a target to you and counter kill it with the mechanical knife instead.

When we're onto the stage with your additional reinforcements Anderon's role will switch to that of pumping out support attacks. You'll want to have some energy left over for wrecking ball for this or even drop the molior frame for the inexpensive Nibel Dirk attack.

The key is to always think ahead a turn or two, making sure you'll have at least enough targets in range of an unmoved Verein Zero equal to Anderson's Helper level and another target in range for Anderson's attack.

Event 1
Clearing up your first initial set of bugs and moving to the target square will spawn four more giant bugs all around the target square. You'll probably be beaten by Raven to this so you'll know it's coming up.

Event 2
After all the bugs have been cleared up (Raven will help you with this if you're a little too slow. What a show off.) Anderson will admit he's been completly outclassed. The combat prowess of the NEXT and it's mercenary pilot just too much for someone relying on manual EVERYTHING and the age old frame-slot system.

In good old "It's only a simple test" fashion all hell breaks loose when more of the bugs escape captivity and flood into the test zone. A restraining team in clunky old walkers attempt to control the situation only to be obliterated by a ravenous horde of gnashing mandibles.

Things are pretty bleak now that this new massive wave of bugs have popped up and the battle mastery might seem neigh unobtainable. Raven in his Noir however knows what to do and is willing to get into the fray (ammunition costs be damned!) with us.

Event 3
Thinning out the numbers of bugs will trigget the next event, reinforcements have arried in the form of Jean, Ray and Bruno (Emma as well if in a good relationship with Anderson). They're not piloting their original mechs though, they're in the same clunky walkers from before.

The Arophoros are pretty well built units capable of taking punishment. Their only offensive option is a post-movement range 1-4 glue gun that will completly freeze up an ant for a whole turn and as such is much more effective than the collection of shock weaponry available to us in the military market.

More importantly the Arophoros can repair as a post movement so if Anderson's hurting we can get him back up to a much more safer level.

A king bug will also rear it's ugly head out of a nearby hole but it'll sit there smugly watching it's minions get chewed up. Any attempts to attack it will result in a lost action.

Event 4
Destroying the last giant bug leaves us with the King Bug who's pretty pissed at what we've done to it's peons. Raven can't help us due to his AC running out of ammunition (Must have left his laser blade in the hanger) and it's up to the Tsukuyomi Task Force to do it.

I guess I'll help as well. Everything's pretty much on auto-pilot here. If Emma's around you'll get a few extra lines of dialogue. If Emma really likes Anderson then we'll get some extra D'AWWWWW lines mixed in with the extra stuff. Indeed she is the most "adorable jailbait" ever.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Ch 4 Prologue "Left-Wing Politics Could Have Prevented This"

Another day, another gigantic food bill. The girls have spent the last couple of hours out shopping and heav returned to the Tessaract with a pile of Overlord Brooches so the Task Force is now at it's maximum combat potential. Since we're leaving Libot it's also time to say goodbye to Stana...

Rey Varista hasn't been on Amatsu since the opening meeting in Chapter One, so he has no idea what has happened to Anderson but it seems some rumours are flying around that the G.A.C have deployed their own Mobile Force. That doesn't suit the exiled mercenary nature of the Tsukuyomi Task Force at all, sure we're kind of representing the G.A.C but we're not an official military outfit.

With the rumours debunked Rey gives us a more detailed run down on what he wants us to do and the current state of the solar system.

A new kind of mobile weapon being developed in Anatolia reached perfection in the recent months however the head designer, a Professor Jarnefeldt recently passed away resulting in the project's technology being sold to anyone with the money to afford it. Vast numbers of companies have been sinking money into these NEXTs. The companies are growing powerful.

The military forces of countries on Earth however grow weaker as the BETA occupation continues to ravage the planet. The "companies" look to be in a great position to launch a coup and destablish the very existence of countries and borders thus gaining a monopoly on the economy.

The "companies" power to overthrow nations has the team worried as well as Rey and that's why we're on our way to his facility, to guage who's better, a M.I.V.S pilot or a NEXT pilot. Whoever wins gets to take the new M.I.V.S unit and test it from there.

We've got ten hours untill we arrive so it's time to burn that away with some rest. Que freaky dream sequence number three, this time with Shiina as co-anchor.

There is no way our resident Albino Maido is NOT 'servicing' Anderson.

She has to be.

At the Varista facilities Anderson meet's with Fiona Jarnefeldt, the daughter of the late proffessor. Looks like she's the representative for the NEXT mobile weapon but most definetly not it's pilot.

The NEXT pilot's already in the cockpit getting things ready but thanks to security purposes we won't get to meet in purpose. Either way Anderson wishes the pilot goodluck in a sportsmanshiply fashion.

If you've been paying attention to your relationship with Jean then we get a whole extra cutscene that we wouldn't normally get otherwise. If you've been paying attention to Emma as well then she also tags along in the cutscene but otherwise wouldn't be present.

Several of our crew members have snuck away from the Tessaract and are curiously wandering the halls of the Varista facilities. They're all pretty curious as to what the commander's up to apart from poor old Ray who was blackmailed into coming along. This optional cutscene results in this three/four person gang running into a new mysterious character who introduces herself as Alta.

Wrecking Ball: Generator Management 101

Chapter four puts alot of pressure on getting Anderson up to scratch both levelwise and equipment wise, even more so if you're after the battle mastery. If you've been doing everything you can up to the end of chapter three you should have two frames to pick from. The Aer and the Molior.

Going into the level with the Aer will mean SP management and ammunition management, all easily balanced out by ammunition crates and a high quality ration in the cockpit.

The Molior however will require on picking the right kind of engine for the Zero to carry into battle and loading up on Attack Boosters. But just what is the best item to slam into that engine slot?

Proton Exchange Cell
The Proton Exchange Cell is completly outperformed by an Integral Fast Generator so I won't even bother with this.

Protonic Reactor
The Protonic Reactor provides 50 energy and a passive 7% regeneration rate. Equipped on the Molior this tops out the Zero at 110 energy in total.

That's 11 shots of Wrecking Ball with a regeneration rate of 7.7 with the engine rounding it down to 7 per turn. With a thirteen turn limit factoring out our staring turn we can potentially regenerate 84 energy in total so that's another 8 swings of Wrecking Ball.

With a Protonic Reactor we can swing Wrecking Ball a grand total of 19 times.

Integral Fast Generator
The Integral Fast Generator provides 80 energy and a passive 5% regeneration rate. Equipped on the Molior this tops out the Zero at 140 energy total.

That's 14 shots of Wrecking Ball with a regeneration rate of 7 exactly. With a thirteen turn limit factoring out our starting turn we can potentially regenerate 84 energy in total so that's another 8 swings of Wrecking Ball.

With an Intergral Fast Generator we can swing Wrecking Ball a grand total of 22 times.

AM2 Battery
The AM2 Battery is a real wild card. It provides 30 energy but it can be replaced three times at the cost of using up Anderon's entire action phase. Equipped on the Molior this tops out the Zero at 90 energy total.

That's 9 shots of Wrecking Ball but we can expend all three charges of the battery for 30 energy per charge giving us another 90 potential energy. That's 9 more swings of Wrecking Ball.

With an AM2 Battery we can swing Wrecking Ball a grand total of 18 times.

What Have We Learned?
For chapter 4 if you plan on going in with the Molior then you squeeze the most out of Wrecking Ball with an Intergral Fast Generator. The AM2 Battery might be really useful on the ZakuI considering it's low starting energy. The more involved and fixed recharging outpacing that of even the Protonic's passive percentile.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

In Depth: Verein Zero [Molior]

Verein Zero [Molior]
Molior Frame Mounted on Verein Zero

Obtained Where: Sub Mission 3
Fixed Weapons:
- Grappler
- Mechanical Knife
- Wrecking Ball
- Molior Zero
Weaknesses: Physical Rounds, Electric, Beam.
Terrain Features: No flight system. No inherrent hover capabilities. Inoperable in space.
Piloting Restrictions: Anderson only.
Notes: I have to question what construction workers were doing sitting on such an awesome piece of kit. We can't use the Molior in space due to the nature of it's design but when it comes to ground battles the Molior frame takes on a life of it's own turning what would be a naff unit into a killing machine.

The Molior will up the Zero's terrain class on ground from C to B so that's already a mathematic boost to a majority of effects. We loose a movement square in exchange for thicker armor and a bigger hit point pool but that movement loss is made up for with Anderon's cheap as hell Fleeting SP command.

We don't get as much of an energy boost or a flight pack but that's manageable with what the Molior comes loaded with.

The Grappler is a range 1-6 attack that does zero damage it does however pull any target it hits directly next to the Zero. It can't be use as a counter attack weapon but it's tactical aplications are pretty obvious.

The Mechanical Knife is a post movement point blank close combat attack which is highly accurate with an attack rating of 155 and steals on critical hits. It's inexpensive to use as it drains nothing from the suit.

The Wrecking Ball is a post movement range 3-5 combined attack that's almost as accurate as the Mechanical Knife but clocks in alot more damage at 180 attack power. The wrecking ball will be this suit's primary attack but if energy consumption isn't controlled Anderson can find himself running out of options quickly

Molior Zero is the Molior frame's counterpart to the Aer's Aer Zero attack. It's another point blank post-movement combined attack that requires Anderson to be at 120 morale and have 30 energy to spare to fire off. With an attack rating of 220 it's a point blank Cerberus Hand Cannon.

With it's attacks the Molior has a glaring dead zone for counter attacks at exactly two squares out but it's a great combination of range and close combat wrapped into one neat package. Also...awesome black and yellow warning stripes.

Sub Mission 3 "Onii-Chan~"

We're closing in on Libot colony on a our return trip from out in the middle of nowhere with two brand new cute girls onboard, just a shame we're going to have to say good bye to one when we get there. We're not too deep into Libot space when Jean picks up a new incredibly easy conract and all it needs is Anderson...

Construction work...well every little bit of money helps and it means we'll get to stay around Libot for a little while, might even get a chance to hang out with Stana a little longer. It's also the first time the team will be able to get off the ship and go out and about.

Even better the team get to indulge in their favourite past time, EATING, thanks to one of the G.A.C sponsors being a high roller in the resteraunt buisness. If you've been developing a relationship with Emma then she'll feel a little worried that the Anderson won't be around.

Real swanky stuff here and the students deserve the time off. Think of it as an apology for getting everyone kicked out of Amatsu. Everyone of...a more deplorable social status is floored by the complexity of the menu but Shiina seems to be a natural for picking out dishes perhaps this could be connected to her forgotten background?

If the boys won the quiz in sub mission 2 then Keeruu will take this moment to try and apologise for being a sore winner to the suprise of everyone else. Yohko's in silent deredere mode but it looks like there could be something starting between the two.

It takes a while but eventually everyone get's around to ordering some fancy looking dish with Tenea going for pizza. If Emma's got her eyes on Anderson then a lengthy conversation sparks up over Anderson's involvement with the quiz game and everyone genuienly bonds together in their own way before attention turning back to Anderson's current whereabouts.

Score, we're getting our money and a new frame for our efforts as a bonus on top. Not bad for menial work. With work finished and with a fair few hours left in the day Anderson can join the rest of the team and get some food down his throat or at least he could...

A fair maiden in distress, and she's found our weakspot. Anderson ever the gentleman has to assist such a charming young lady in getting where she needs to go.

After escorting her the majority of the way whilst having a rather odd conversation we're given a choice when we pass by the resteraunt where everyone else is.

Part Ways Here
We point her in the right direction of where she needs to go, it's only two blocks away so she should be able to make it from here. The two trade contact details should the little girl ever wish to find refuge on the Amatsu colony and Anderson goes to join his friends.

Because we didn't take a detour we're in time for finishing off the meal, Tenea (And Emma if she likes Anderson) have been saving some of the pizza for him. Some bromance between Bruno and Keeruu sours the mood a little but everyone's having a blast.

If you're in a good relationship with Emma she'll try feeding Anderson herself. Daw. In the end it's been a refreshing experience and everyone seems revitalized by the fancy meal.
- 5,000 in cash
- New Frame [Molior]
- Relationship boost with Emma

Escort Her the Rest of the Way
We're ditching our friends for a little longer but this girl here's calling Anderson Onii-Chan. On our extended trip to our destination 'Onii-Chan' explains to the little girl his status on the Amatsu and his new role as a mercenary. She's indebted to us and the two trade contact information before they say goodbye.

Anderson'll return to the resteraunt but by now the food's gone cold. Oh well waste not want not.
- 5,000 in cash
- New Frame [Molior]
- Little Girl Flag 1

Additional Reward if you Lost the Quiz
- Keeruu develops a relationship boost with Yohko as the focus

Tsukuyomi Task Force

Simulation 3 "Tang is Highly Profitable"

Completing chapter 3 unlocks simulation 3, another space based map but absolutley filled with Leoships...

Friendly Forces
- 5 x Units of your choice

Enemy Forces
Randomly Deployed
- 16 x Leoships
--- Space Viking Level 8

Lots and lots of fragile Leopships all around. This simulation would be dangerous if they were all piloted by AI systems but instead we get those horrible Space Viking fighter jocks who can't even find the ejection seat button in their cockpits.

This is a great stage to grind away some levels or earn money on thanks entirely to the ineptitude of the Space Vikings. Leoships? Moar like OZ-06MS Leos.

We also start pretty much ontop of the nearby asteroid feild as well so that's a potential +20% bonus to defenses right there if needed.

Three waves of four Leoships are on the cards here and though things may looks as if they're getting out of hand with your overpowering nature compared to these little fighters they're mere pushovers.

- 21,000 cash

In Depth: Natalie Axelle Levels 1-10

Natalie Axelle
Starting Level: 5
Terrain Modifiers: Air- B Ground- C Water- D Space- C
SP Commands: Trust 20
Passive Abilities: Affinity Lvl 2, Helper Lvl 1
Weapon Preference: Ranged Attacks. Not that it matters at this stage.
Notes: Natalie is an ideal ship commander with her high ranged stat and her ability to throw out Trust a couple of times as psuedo infield repairs but her poor ship isn't armed with anything.
Natalie is hampered as well by sub-standard terrain modifers so I don't think she's planning on climbing into a suit which suits a simple research engineer just fine.
Natalie introduces a new passive ability, Affinity, which is a form of groth booster that increases the amount of SP she gets at every experience level.
Not alot happens with her passive abilities from 5-10 other than a boost to helper at level 10.
Natalie's SP Command listing is pretty strong with the arrival of Lock On at level 7 and the cheaper option of using Guts instead of Trust on her ship setting up shop at level 10 the only real problem is trying to level her up without any attacks. Exp gains will be entirely from getting shot at.
Character Notes: The 'mature' Natalie Axelle is one of the developers of the M.I.V.S operating systems but her real passion seems to be the development of Mecha and her whacky ideas for upgrades.
Whilst Anderson is the "Commander" Natalie is the one really in charge, this combined with glasses, a white labcoat and some nifty in battle lines make her feel like a sexy character who isn't really trying to be one.
I can not wait untill she meets with Yuuko from Muv Luv Alternative. TWO purple haired, sexy labcoats with zany ideas? Hnnnnnggggghhh.

In Depth: Verein Zero [Aer]

Verein Zero [Aer]
Aer Frame Mounted on Verein Zero

First Deployment: Chapter 3
Fixed Weapons:
- Leo Machinegun
- Missile Spread[MAP]
- Leo Homing Missile
- Aer Zero
Weaknesses: Physical Rounds, Electric, Beam.
Terrain Features: Flight Pack.
Piloting Restrictions: Anderson only.
Notes: Anderson gets to be useful once more thanks to Natalie's awesome idea of sticking Leoships onto a mecha. The Aer frame will take up the frame item slot on the Zero so it'll still carry whatever other items it had equipped onto it before.

Switching between Zero mode and Aer mode can be done at any time at the start of Anderson's turn but can not be changed after an action has been taken.

Having the frame on grants us a fair few boosts, from hitpoints to an extra movement point and also gives us our first flight capable mecha unit that can switch between unobstructed terrain movement to taking full advantage of cover.

More importantly the Aer gives Anderson a whole slew of new attacks at the cost of being unable to use Nibel Dirk or Data Zero.

The Leo Machine Gun is a post-movement range 1-3 light machine gun with a very minor boost to accuracy but with a great deal of ammunition.

The Missile Spread is our first map attack which can't be used after a move. It hits every enemy within 2-5 squared of Anderson for sufficient damage at the cost of being highly inaccurate and with little chance of critting (Attention anyone?). It has 6 rounds which is shared with our next attack

Leo Homing Missiles are highly accurate and can be considered the bread and butter attack of the unit as long as you're sufficient enough in managing ammunition stocks for it. It's great in all terrain but has a hard time critting. It's also post-movement range 2-5.

Aer Zero is an accumilation of the Aer frame's attacks that progresses into the Zero's Nibel Dirk attack. It requires Anderson have 120 morale, drains 30 energy and be within a post-movement range of 2-3 of his target. The Aer frame will be shed after this attack leaving just a vulnurable Zero behind to take a turn of retaliatory strikes but it can be put back on at the start of your next phase. Aer Zero has an ammunition limit of 5.

I love the aesthetics of the Aer frame as it makes the Zero unit look almost valkyrie like (As in the mythical Norse valkyrie and not transformable fighter jets). I only hope Natalie continues with her whacky Pimp My Ride style designs of just sticking something fancy looking ontop.

In Depth: Leoship

General Purpose Fighter...

Obtained Where: Chapter 3. Complete the stage's battle mastery.
Fixed Weapons:
- 4-Way Cannon
- Kamikaze Rush
- None!
Adjustable Features:
-1 x Powerup Slot (Empty)
-1 x Armor Slot (Empty)
-1 x Shielding (Empty)
-1 x Engine Slot (Empty)
-1 x Computer Slot (Empty)
-1 x Booster Slot (Empty)
-1 x Misc Slot (Empty)
-1 x Consumable Slot (Empty)
-1 x Food Slot (Empty)
Terrain Features: Full Flight.
Piloting Restrictions: None so far.
Notes: 1,500 credits to watch Ray give his life for the cause every level? Worth it. So worth it. It's even a melee attack!
The Leoship runs aground on the great island of "Overshadow" where big beastly Vereins clobber anything that dare try to land ashore and displace their home. I want to like the Leoship even though it seems to be powered by fire extinguishers and it's high speed seems like a possible clincher to throw someone into it.
Then it's pretty low armor class comes up and bites it in the rear. It's only marginally faster than the U.F.O or the AG-01 but both of those can survive combat alot easier.
The Leoship does have some potential on gravity based levels with Emma at the helm as she'll go from relying on a C rank on the ground to a more respectable B rank up in the air but a well armed Verein will still outperform the Leoship damage wise.

In Depth: Tessaract

Modified G.A.C Leisure Cruiser

First Deployed:
Chapter 3
Fixed Weapons: None
- None!
Adjustable Features:
-1 x Armor Slot (Empty)
-1 x Shielding Slot(Empty)
-1 x Engine Slot (Empty)
-1 x Computer Slot (Empty)
-1 x Booster Slot (Empty)
-1 x Misc Slot (Empty)
-1 x Consumable Slot (Empty)
-1 x Food Slot (Empty)
Terrain Features: Pure speculation. Can't fly in gravity based enviroments due to E rank. I think it might float on water as well which is really freakin' awesome if it does.
Additional Features:
- Mothership. Non mothership units can board for repairs or equipment changing.
Piloting Restrictions: Natalie only.
Notes: It's our loveable mothership! And it's size category is Small!? Wat. Probably a slight mishap in the coding somewhere but size small means the Tesseract is as manuverable as the Vereins and would take the same amount of damage as them.
Also with a size category small it's managing to carry upwards of 10 units ranging from small to medium. Awesome images of it tugging along containers of mobile suits and everyone having to space walk to launch.
Small size aside the Tessaract has no combat capabilities at all but a well equipped Tessaract can be the perfect tank in any situation. Give it some Titanium Alloy and it's hitpoint pool just grows to boss levels.
Other than tanking and mid battle equipment changing the Tessaract can't really do much else but other tactical options include ferrying units around on large maps to help save energy or having a steady supply of cheese lasagna on standby.

Monday, 8 June 2009

Ch 3 Epilogue "Shakugan no Shiina"

Everyone's back aboard the Tessaract, the ship's crew already in the middle of the lengthy process of buffing out the machine cannon hits on the hull. Anderson's still got some work to do so he leaves our guest in the care of Jean and the pilots...oh dear.

The hostage we rescued from the pirates was pretty uncooperative with the medical team that tried to tend to her and was forcibly anethesized for everyone's saftey. She's a unique case with rather flame like hair and eyes...
Going a little off tangent there. Anyway the general anaesthetic has had the adverse case of sending her into some form of shock which has resulted in severe amnesia, she can't remember a thing and can only remember Anderson.

I guess it's up to the commander to see if there's anything that can be done.

If you completed the Battle Mastery for this chapter then the Tessaract crew were able to salvage one of the Leoships from the combat zone and we're given a new unit to mess around with.

On meeting with the girl it seems Natalie is right and the girl has not a clue where she is. Anderson get's her up to speed with what he knows although what little information he can give her helps her remember her name. Shiina.

Back in the pilot lounge the students are regaling Stana with their story on how they came to be all the way out here in the first place which leads to Ray and John clashing heads over Jackie's death.

The timely entrance of Anderson helps shift the subject back onto Stana (And her kickassedness if she was the one who took down the Hellfire). If you got the battle mastery then Jean comes up with a sexy idea for the Leoship.
It's just a shame she can't use frames.

Stana can't join us however, she's got no buisness with Earth. All she wants to do is hunt down the pirates, giving us her backstory and reasoning. Daw. The Task Force don't have the time to aid Stana in her quest but the least we can do is drop her off at the nearest colony. Heck maybe after we're done hunting down the Imaginary Element creetins we can help her out later.

Time for another celebration and that means more food.

Tsukuyomi Task Force? More like Tsukuyomi FAT Force amirite?

After finishing off what we can Idris chimes in with a new contract proposal from an old acquaintence we met earlier on Amatsu. Rey Varista (Not to be confused with RAY Va'shir or Amuro RAY. Sure hope we don't get Eva included in this mess or we're in for more REI.) co-developer of the M.I.V.S operating system is looking for experienced pilots to test a new prototype suit and system.

There's no one more experienced with M.I.V.S than the Task Force and a new experimental unit gets everyone excited.

If you have the Verein Geves upgrade from chapter 2-A then all the girls will gang up rather hillariously on Keeruu as he sugests he get the new unit. Ooooo ICEBURN.

With another detour plotted and the course set Anderson will spend some quality time with Tenea.

There is no real reward for completing this chapter unless you achive the battle mastery.
- New unit Leoship

Ch 3 Combat "In Ackbar We Trust"

We're in the combat zone and everyone is launched for this one. Even our luxury culinary cruise ship is in the area ready to provide what support it can but low and behold our suspicions were correct...
Three ships is alot more than we were expecting and they're all well armed as well. Either way that doesn't change the fact that there may still be a hostage onboard one of the vessels and as long as it's just those three capital ships we should be fine.

Then the Tessaract's shields drop, in fact the entire ship is rendered inoperable, it's a complete sitting duck and something's jamming all it's abilities.

Friendly Forces
- Tessaract
--- Natalie
- Everyone else in their unit

Enemy Forces
- Hellfire
--- Stevan
-2 x Armaden
--- Pirate Captains
-9 x Leoship
--- Space Viking

Deployment of your own forces is exactly as picture above. If you have the Geves with you then Keeruu is located right in the middle of the Zaku and the AG-01.

Win Condition
The incoming fighters need to be delt with before we get through to the Hellfire but at the same time we need to keep an eye on Natalie in our ship. The Tessaract however has a massive amount of hitpoints and Natalie has the SP Command Trust which lets her heal a third of any allied unit's maximum hp including her own so she'll be perfectly fine where she is.

There's little cover between us and the enemy fleet. There is a large asteroid field stretching in from the north east of the map towards the center but for this battle it's almost entirely ineffectual.

Since the Tessaract is our carrier we can board it and get fully repaired if things get hairy though it'll cost any boarding unit 5 morale and it won't refill our energy or restock our ammunition.

Whilst boarded we can also change over any of the items on our units, this includes weapons, different armor plating or brand new consumables if we use them in the battle. This is where having a good stock of equipment lying around will come in handy.

The Leoships are nippy little fighters that could have been dangerous if they weren't piloted by complete and utter morons who are only able to pull at most a D rank modifer for space which helps throw some of their evasion out of the window and amplifies their already fragile nature. Not even level 8 can save them.

They're equipped with two attacks, a 4-Way Machine Cannon that'll at most tickle your units into submission with a post-movement range of 1-4 . At most the cannons were hitting my well equipped units for a little around 40. One even critted Hotariko for just 38.

The real danger happens when you reduce a Leoship below 1/4 of their maximum hit points which'll enable them to use a kamikaze attack. Kamikaze attacks are a point blank attack which'll take out the Leopship but have a good crit chance with 300 attack power. This can hurt.

It's often better to avoid attacking in your turn if you're not guranteed to kill the unit and to counter attack instead during the Enemy Phase. This way you'll only get a dose of Machine Cannons and not a crazy space viking in your face.

Leoships controlled by AI are lower in level but their Terrain Stat for space is a B, much better than that of the Space Vikings so they're a little more deadly.

The Armadens will be completly ineffectual for this battle so don't worry about them at all.

All the enemy units in this stage drop nothing with melee critical hits so you're not missing out on anything if you stick to range attacks.

Event 1
On enemy phase 2 the two Armaden battleships retreat from the battlezone. Suddenly things are much more easier maybe our show of force might have detered the pirates. Either way now it's just us, the fighter and the Hellfire.

Event 2
Shooting down five of the Leoships will trigger this next event. We're really overpowering the pirates and it seems we're being hailed by the commander of their forces.
Weird, it looks like we're the ones winning here. The real trap is now sprung and the two Amardens that retreated previously have completly flanked the Tessaract from above and below. Each capital ship also deploys 9 more Leoships as well.

Piority switches from offense to defence as Anderson is moved directly next to the Tessaract only for him to get jumped by two more Leoships (Oh god there's hundreds of them). After a brief exchange of gunfire and dirk swinging Stevan reveals that these fighters are being controlled by much better AI and onboard one there is a hostage. Sneaky bastard.

For now you'll be unable to take on the AI Leoships but the ones still piloted by the pirates are fair game. It's up to Rane to find out where the hostage is.
Event 3
As soon as a Leoship targets Anderson the next event will trigger. The Tessaract has picked up another unit closing in, it's pretty small, maybe another fighter? Things just seem to be getting worse.
Reinforcements! Though it isn't officialy on our side contact is established with the new unit and it's assitance requested. It's ANOTHER cute girl in a mecha and it looks like she has a beef with the pirates as well. She drops one of their capital ships in a single shot and Rane locates which of Leoships the hostage is in.

Anderson will grab it and take it onboard the Tessaract and leave everyone else to the clean up of the remaining pirates.
Battle Mastery
The objectives have changed to annhilation now that we've rescued the hostage and the battle mastery makes itself known. All pirate fighters now will make a beeline for the Tessaract and the remaining Armaden will start making a move as well.

The Battle Mastery for this stage is pretty easy and readily obtainable with Emma's mercy around. Chip the Hellfire's health down gradually to a little under 100 and then just sit around waiting for Stana to fly in and pick up the kill.

Depending on how quickly Stana spams her energy draining attacks it may take a few turns of her generating energy to get around shooting the Hellfire down so be patient.

Event 4
Being engaged by the remaining Armaden or attacking it will result in Anderson making a dynamic entry with a new frame mounted on the Zero destroying the capital ship in one shot.

The Hellfire out of options will now either start moving at full speed or engage any nearby targets whilst constantly deploying two Leoships every turn. We're now on the home stretch.

Engaging the Hellfire
It's worth noting that a good portion of your units have some words to say to Stevan when they attack. Anderson, Hotariko, Jean, Ray, Stana and Yohko all have something to say, but Hotariko's is the bestest.

The Hellfire is a large class unit so it's a little easier to dent compared to the Musai but it's also flying around with an S Rank in space and Stevan has counter which means he'll reguarly go first with his counter attacks.

There's no dead zone when it comes to the Hellfire but it's primary anti suit weapons the turret machine cannons have a post-movement range of 1-2, are well stocked with ammunition and pretty accurate.

With a post-movement range of 2-6 the Hellfire also comes with a Laser Cannon which is obviously beam based and as such can rip our Zaku up pretty badly. It is however geared towards anti-ship combat so it's highly inaccurate so engaging from 3 squares and beyond might be much more suitable.

Be careful though, the Hellfire's Laser Cannon critted a defending John for 178. That's a big number.

If you need time to fix up your units again Rane comes in hander with Fetter to buy you a few turns of putting things back together.

Event 5
As the Hellfire is eventually sunk Stevan gives us a good old bad guy monologue before becoming space dust. Everyone's exhausted, but not so much that they can't thank Stana for her timely arrival.

At the very least we can invite her onboard, repair and refuel before she has to go and there seems to be something Natalie wants to discuss with Anderson.

Ch 3 Prologue "They're...Always...Eating..."

A new shipment of Wall Shields, Cheese Lasagna and the rest of the equipment for the ZakuII has arrived. We've switched out the Gattling Maser, put it on the Zaku II and given Ray a Box Machinegun instead so we're very well prepared for the upcoming S.O.S response.

We're still about six hours out but strangely Anderson's decided to call together a quick briefing on what's about to come...

There's little information to go on beyond the coordinates broadcasted with the S.O.S but some new evidence has poked it's head out in the form of a static filled communication signal. Looks like a young lady might have run afoul of pirates in this sector of space. Considering it's been a few days now she may already be in their clutches.

The Task Force are ill equipped for dealing with pirates. Sure we have big massive robots but we lack the ability and training to conduct a boarding action, looks like immobilization of potential enemy threats might be key here.

Infact that's a great idea, if we immobilize any pirate vessels we can steal all their stuff . We're a modern day robin hood crew, if we exchange bows for high power rifles and axes.

Albino Maido has even prepared a folder and information on the expected enemy vessel we'll run into to give us an idea of what sections of the ship to attack. Awesome work. Even better there's going to be one hell of a meal prepared one hour before the sortee. Can't fight on an empty stomach.

With five hours to burn Anderson catches some rest, here comes another freaky dream sequence.

Must've arrived in the shipment though I have to question the lavish nature of the foodstuffs on board. I'm sure it's more detrimental throwing up such an overtly substantial meal all over your cockpit due to a combination of heavy combat and inertia but hey, we're sticking cheese lasagna rations into the cockpit.

Jean's also a big flirt and we've got time for desert. This really can't end well. Anyway it's time to launch and everyone's going out for this one. Better safe than sorry, this could be a trap.

In Depth: E.Y.E

Fire Support Walking Cannon Fodder...

Obtained Where: Military Market. 8,500
Fixed Weapons:
- Red-Light Cannon
- None!
Adjustable Features:
-1 x Armor Slot (Empty)
-1 x Engine Slot (Empty)
-1 x Misc Slot (Empty)
-1 x Consumable Slot (Empty)
-1 x Food Slot (Empty)
Terrain Features: No flight system. No inherrent hover capabilities.
Piloting Restrictions: None so far.
Notes:Eye am not the strongest. The E.Y.E is available the first time you have access to the military market for a pretty hefty cost of 8,500 insert universal currency here so it can be a little difficult to afford as you'll be spending most of the time upgrading the equipment on your more customizable units.
It's comparable to the Verein Zero except that the Zero actually gets customizability a little later on whilst the E.Y.E remains just an E.Y.E.
Lacking a booster slot and any hardpoints the only person who can really take advantage of the unit is Bruno but he remains right at home in a Beam Shooter equipped Verein which is way more cheaper to put together.
The only real advantage the E.Y.E has is it's medium size and it's terrain modification for ground which is a step up from the Verein so it might be a rather silly anti-capship turret.
The single attack the E.Y.E has is the Red-Light Cannon, a range 1-6 beam based attack with 150 attack power. This attack drains 20 energy so without a good solid engine it's going to drain this pretty fast.

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Relationships and You 101

Q. "Hey! Hey S.E.R.I.K.A! What are relationships and what are their mechanical benefits?"

A. We've reached a point now where if you've been doing sub missions there's a good chance several of your female pilots will have developed feelings for someone else in your team.

Relationships are similiar or pretty much exactly the same as the original SRW passive friendship and lover bonuses except you need to work for them though that work needn't be difficult, sometimes they'll call upon personal sacrifice.

Relationships will provide a bonus to the characters they involve and are never negatives but are oneway buffs. Character A might think highly of Character B and gain the benefits of relationship but Character B might be indifferent to Character A and receive no benefits. In this example Character B is Character A's focus.

Mechanicswise characters benefit when they're within 2 squares of their relationship focus. A basic rank one relationship will earn that character a tempoary +5 morale for the duration they remain in range. This tempoary morale can exceed a character's limit.

A rank two relationship increases from +5 morale to +8 morale so there might be a morale curve to the ranks. We won't know until much later.

As we all know morale factors into pretty much every single equation performed in this game, from evasion values, accuracy percentage, damage mitigation and maximum damage calculation. Relationships boost EVERYTHING so it's a good idea to keep an eye out for them anywhere you can.

Q. "But S.E.R.I.K.A, how do I tell who's recieving what from a relationship?"

A. I just noticed the relationship's one-wayness during simulator tests and so haven't factored that in so let me just clear that up now.

Where I mention a relationship boost with a character and no one else is mentioned assume it's a one way boost with Anderson as the focus.

Where I mention a relationship boost with two character names and describe it as shared the characters become each other's focus.

Where I mention a relationship boost with two character names and say nothing more on the matter assume that the first character is benifitting and the second character is the focus.

Q. "Why not just use the term 'focus' in all relationship related posts from now on?"

A. Good idea voices inside my vast neural cybernetic cerebrum. It'll make things much more clearer. I'll update the other posts when I get around to scanning for horribly murdered english.

Q. "Any other gnarly benefits from relationships?"

A. The game will call upon a relationship check in certain situations. Sit back and keep an eye out. I'll mention it where I can.

Q. "Last question. What kind of 'relationships' are these? Love? Tell me it's love."

A. I hope so. As that would mean Emma's winning Anderson's affections easily whilst Jean and Natalie could be potential experimenting lesbians. Though they're probably more admiration based and burning hot flames of eternal friendship.

...nobody loves S.E.R.I.K.A

Sub Mission 2 "It's Green, Trust Me."

Another mission down the pipe and it's time to unwind with another sub mission, but this one's a little different. Fingers on buzzers friends for this one is a real pub quiz...

The Tessaract is a good few days out from responding to the rather suspect S.O.S signal and it's nothing but empty space from Side 7 to it's given coordinates. There's not alot to do onboard for the pilots apart from to give the simulator a couple more runs or just generally hang out and we've really given the simulator one hell of a work out already.

Anderson stops by Jean's quarters to see if there's any small contracts that can fill the time only to run across one of the rarest finds of the century, a sad Jean.
Anderson ever the gentlemen and empathic commander is willing to do anything to improve morale. On reaching the Tesseract crew lounge the situation becomes clear. The entire Verein test team are here and they're passing the time with a trivia quiz game. It's the guys versus the girls and the guys have won two games already and the girls are at none.

Rane's hosting the game, Natalie's too busy running the ship to join in, Hotariko is too busy being tsun tsun to join in, Idris is a robot, and Albino Maido doesn't want to get involved when Anderson isn't involved, that means the girls team is outnumbered.

Looks like Anderson's bound by his code of honor and made an honourary girl for this session (MASSIVE MISSED POTENTIAL FOR THE GIRLS TO GIVE ANDERSON A COMPLETE MAKE OVER ALONG WITH PIG TAILS).

It's time to knock down the boys' ego a peg so bring on the next topic!
...things are pretty stacked for the boys team. Can't be helped though, the topics are randomly pulled it just so happens to be the third topic in a row that favors 'bro' knoweledge. Que the music maestro.

How well you do in the quiz will effect the relationships amongst your fellow pilots. Most of the girls are pretty lost when it comes to video game questions but Emma does a great job in supporting you with what little she knows so it's pretty much up to you two.

Winning the quiz sends the girl team into jubilation and we end up learning a bit more about Emma's story as everyone quizzes her on why she knew a fair bit about classic video games. It's pretty interesting stuff which leads to Anderson having to step into the role of White Knight saving his princess for a bit which is cute.

The girls of the girls team will hold a special place in their hearts for Anderson and Jean gets to order around Bruno for a bit.

Losing the quiz sends Keeruu into super smug sore winner mode which just ends up pissing off Yohko and annoying everyone else. The consequences are pretty slapstick comical but Keeruu had it coming.

Anderson tried his best but in the end he couldn't stop the girl's loosing streak. At least one positive will come out of this though it's effects won't be felt until a little later on.

Now that THAT's out of the way Anderson can finally ask the resident mercenary to see if there's any small contracts available. Turns out the Global Cortex is buzzing with junk contracts and nothing else, oh well at least some time was killed.

Back at his quarters Anderson will share a cute moment with Tenea. She truley can melt hearts.

Win the Quiz
- Anderson and Emma share a relationship boost with each other.
- Relationship boost with Jean.
- Relationship boost with Yohko.

Lose the Quiz
- Future development in sub mission 3.

Simulation 2-B "Zaku vs Zaku"

Completing Chapter 2-B unlocks simulation 2-B but locks us out of 2-A. It's us vs a ton of Zakus in this one...

Friendly Forces
- 5 x Units of your choice

Enemy Forces
Randomly Deployed
- 6 x Zaku II
--- Zeon Soldier Levels 3-4

The Zakus are just like before but are more numerous and the random waves that spawn in might worry some if you had trouble last stage. This time around however we get to deploy our units right ontop of the colony so we can spam energy draining weapons quite reguarly and gain a nice 20% bonus as long as we sit on it.

There's nowhere to repair on this stage so if things start to get out of control quit the simulator. Simulator 1 is better than this stage simply because you can kill the E.Y.Es faster, the E.Y.Es give out more experience, cash and there's an entire military base to leech from.

The waves are pretty small for this stage. In fact just a single suit will spawn during the first three neutral phases so you're not going to get washed aside by a Zaku zerg.

- 4,500 Cash
- RARE: Super Hard Steel Alloy on melee crits
- 300 Cash for critical melee hits

Simulation 2-A "Panzer vs Wanzer"

Completing Chapter 2-A unlocks simulation 2-A but locks us out of 2-B. The poor Federation can only field tanks against our forces...

Friendly Forces
- 5 x Units of your choice

Enemy Forces
Randomly Deployed
- 10 x Type 61 Tanks
--- E.F.S.F Soldiers Level 3

As an oddity the tanks will deploy before your own forces.

Oh dear oh dear. The Type 61 tanks are just as bad as ever and it's not difficult to feel sorry for the poor tank crews. Good thing this is only a simulation. All those simulated widowed wives and their fatherless children...waiting for the day that daddy's coming home..."Next christmas honey, daddy'll make it back next christmas. " "But daddy's missed the last two..." BAW.

By sticking to the base where you start you've got no chance of loosing at all. Even if you leave the saftey of the base there's barely any chance of getting shot to hell.

You won't be earning crazy levels on the E.F.S.F compared to simulator 1 but you can still make ample amounts of cash here as well as build up a large inventory of spare machineguns.


Three waves of two more Type 61 Tanks will arrive in the neutral phase. Nothing to sweat about.

- 6,400 Cash
- RARE: 12.7mm Machine Gun on melee crits
- 300 Cash for critical melee hits

In Depth: Hotariko Kirumanzy Levels 1-10

Hotariko Kirumanzy
Starting Level: 4
Terrain Modifiers: Air- A Ground- A Water- B Space- A
SP Commands: Guts 15
Passive Abilities: Slasher Lvl 1, Helper Lvl 1
Weapon Preference: Melee Attacks
Notes: Yes! Another pilot who comes loaded with her own new song.
Hotariko comes with a sub standard skill and ranged attack stat that will build to an okay level but that's not where our favorite nun's strengths are.
Hotariko is all about bringing a great big beam axe/XT Scythe onto to the battlefield and cleaving anything that stands in her way, skill doesn't matter when you have a weapon with a massive crit rating.
Her lone SP Command from starting level to level 10 is Guts, the more economical version of Super Guts that heals a third of her maximum hp for 15 SP. Not too shabby and very super roboty but it's her only SP Command for ages.
Level 9 will upgrade her Slasher ability once and as always level 10 brings along a boost to Helper. Probably the best choice for the Zaku or even the Verein Geves.
Character Notes: You're either going to love her or hate her. I am of the absolutley freakin' adore her group. A nun who's not quite a nun piloting a mobile suit who's forté is hitting things with a very big melee weapon is something I can easily get addicted to.
Hotariko is also one of the more animated characters who can go from perfectly normal looking, to incredibly moe to RAPE FACE in a matter of moments.
Any of the dislike for Hotariko will be from her grounded and very blunt nature but that bluntness and straightforward non moralfag attitude is what makes me like her more and more. I would have voted her best female original, but Emma was loosing to Jean, not on this A.I's watch.