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Saturday, 20 June 2009

In Depth: Verein First Type

Verein First Type
Mass Production M.I.V.S Mecha...

First Deployed: Chapter 5
Fixed Weapons:
- Energy Saber
-1 x Melee Weapon (Empty)
-2 x Ranged Weapons (Empty, Empty)
-1 x Special Weapons (Empty, Empty)
Adjustable Features:
-1 x Armor Slot (Empty)
-1 x Parts Slot (Empty)
-1 x Engine Slot (Empty)
-1 x Computer Slot (Empty)
-1 x Booster Slot (Empty)
-1 x Misc Slot (Empty)
-1 x Consumable Slot (Empty)
-1 x Food Slot (Empty)
Terrain Features: No flight system. No inherrent hover capabilities.
Piloting Restrictions: None so far.
Notes: An upgrade that will fall flat on it's face when you're introduced it, potentially skewing your perception of it for forever thanks to the combination of it's introductory level being set in space, it's starting pilots being cringeworthy space pilots suited for ground operations and horrible terrain modifiers worse than an original Verein Unit.

The First Type gets a fractional numerical increase on it's mobility and armor but with the wrong pilot at the controls this is completly moot as a dropped rank in terrain mastery will have a much more significant negative effect. For the next chapter you'll want to swap the current pilots, John and Yohko who are both C rank in space, to someone with at least an A rank so that the unit will cruise along with a total B thus bringing it in line with the rest of the Vereins. You've got four options here, Ikarane, Keeru, Bruno or Hotariko can draw out the best potential for the First Type in space.

Other than having to sort out those stupid terrain modifications, the first can be a pretty sassy combat unit with an extended inventory off offensive options in the form of an extra ranged slot and an inbuilt melee weapon the Energy Saber.

The Energy Saber is a point blank post-movement melee attack which requires the pilot be at 110 morale. It'll drain off 15 energy per swing and is your atypical beam melee weapons capable of slashing away projectiles and melee attacks, steal on critical hits and put out some good solid damage with a base attack of 200. It's got some accuracy bonuses and a critical chace on the same level as a beam saber which means a beam axe can still reguarly outpace it for the same energy costs, the Energy Saber does however have a dramatic kill effect. Nice.

We do lose a consumable slot as well but the ability to have two sets of ranged weapons means ammunition shouldn't be too much of a problem so instead the slot can be soley dedicated to a booster or a repair crate.

Other then having to fix the terrain modifier problems by jigging around the pilot assignments the First type can be a powerful replacement for standard V-Unit pilots as long as you use it correctly. Also DRAGONAR.

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