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Wednesday, 1 July 2009

In Depth: Idris Levels 1-15

Starting Level: 8
Terrain Modifiers: Air- B Ground- A Water- C Space- A
SP Commands: Jamming 30, Analyze 1
Passive Abilities: Android, Helper Lvl 1
Weapon Preference: Ranged Attacks. Still pretty awesome with melee attacks.
Notes: Untill someone else says otherwise Idris is now a permanant pilot in the team and can really show the students how to operate mobile suits and Vereins.

Idris' base stats will show a glaring weakness in her SP pool which is TINY compared to everyone else in the team with only 67 SP available at level 15 which is a far cry off from the lowest of the current team Ikarane who has 75. Androids can't be hot blooded :(

Everything else about her is pretty amazing. Her attacking stats clock in well above average with a solid ranged statistic supported by a powerful melee capacity. Idris takes over as well as the character with the highest reflexes in the team surpassing that of Jean. Combined with her Android ability boosting her already impressive accuracy and evasion statistics Idris will be the most evasive member in the group and almost the most accurate.

She'll pick up a passive defensive support ability at level 11 in the form of rank 1 Interception and gains the ability to support two allies with rank 2 helper at level 10.

Idris' SP Command listing however is mostly team support based with no directly supporting abilities available to her at the start. She has Analyze which is exactly like SEAS in which we get to have a closer look at enemy units. Jamming costs her 30 SP to use but is a pretty big debuff on a single big enemy or boss, reducing the target's accuracy by half more of a full on team ability than a self defence ability.

This leaves a big gaping hole in Idris' defence which is somewhat smoothed out a little with Mastery becoming available at level 15. Mastery is a 20SP ability that turns all of Idris' attacks into post-movement attacks except for those with the map keyword. This means she can move and shoot with big weapons like the Beam Shooter or Gatling Maser, this can put her out of range of a counter attack and still be deadly or be incredibly usefull when movement is paramount in a stage.

Character Notes:
An emotionless robot built to be walking talking personal assistant to Anderson so far Idris' role has been pretty low key. She can't form her own opinion, she has no extremist views to draw off and the only dynamic to her so far has been her desire to go out and pilot something for survival purposes. She is true robot moe. Her inbuilt selflessness and robotic understanding that she's just a "thing" will probably be her true dynamic characteristic as our rowdy bunch of teenagers try to teach her that she's more than just a PDA with boobs, at least to them...maybe not Keeruu.

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