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Sunday, 14 June 2009

In Depth: Verein Zero [Sidus]

Verein Zero [Sidus]
Sidus Frame Mounted on Verein Zero

First Deployment: Chapter 5 if relationship with Natalie is good.
Fixed Weapons:
- Nimbelg
- Exa Calibur
- Sidus Zero
Weaknesses: Bullets, Electric, Beam.
Terrain Features: No flight system. No inherrent hover capabilities.
Additional Features:
- Defensive Stance. Useable on solid ground. Verein Zero unable to move but gains defence.
Piloting Restrictions: Anderson only.
Notes: A pure close combat frame that will pop up early in chapter 5 if we decided to keep the U.F.O and not hand in a fake in Sub Mission 1, the Sidus frame will probably turn up in a later chapter.

Where the Aer frame can be considered the Zero's airbourne equivilent and the Molior it's ground set of equipment the Sidus is pure space with very weirdly a ground feature in the form of it's defence stance. Seriously though it's got an S rank in space. An S.

The Sidus comes as well armored as the Molior, with just a fraction less of the hitpoints but is just as mobile and nippy as the Aer frame and it's base reactor falls in the middle of the two. The real strength of the Sidus however is it's offensive endurance.

Even though it's a close combat frame it does however have some range on it's most basic attack the Nimbelg.

The Nimbelg is a post movement range 1-3 melee attack that costs nothing to let rip and it's almost as powerful numbercrunch wise as a freakin' beam axe just much more accurate and with out as much critical strike chance behind it. Still though an at will 180 base attack power with no ammunition costs or energy costs this is a crazy economic attack.

The Exa Calibur clocks in at 1 square shoter than the Nimbelg with a post movement range 1-2 melee attack. For 15 energy the Exa Calibur hits with a base power of 220 (CERBERUS HAND CANNON) that will ignore barriers completly with a good critical chance and still stupidly accurate. As an added bonus it will also strip away any barriers it ignores for a whole turn allowing any allies to score hits unhindered.

Sidus Zero is this frame's final melee 'purging' attack with a post movement point blank range that does exactly what the Exa Calibur does with barriers except it slaps on a chance to shock the enemy just like the Nibel Dirk after hitting with a base attack power of 250 again with a great accuracy boost and a good chance to crit. Like all Frame Zero attacks it will purge the Verein Zero of it's Sidus frame until you put it back on.

The Sidus is probably the best frame in game so far (Yes, even better than Aer's map attack and WRECKING BALL JESUS CHRIST SO MANLY) that just screams "I'm the god damn Batman!" I really wish I could care less about Jean's relationship and pick up this thing at Chapter 5 instead of whenever we'll get it now.

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