Mass Production Reconnaissance Mobile Suit...
Obtained Where: Unit Survives Chapter 5
Fixed Weapons: None
-1 x Melee Weapon (Empty)
-2 x Ranged Weapon (Empty, Empty)
-1 x Special Weapon (Empty)
Adjustable Features:
-1 x Armor Slot (Empty)
-1 x Parts Slot(Empty)
-1 x Engine Slot (Empty)
-1 x Computer Slot (Empty)
-1 x Booster Slot (Empty)
-1 x Misc Slot (Empty)
-2 x Consumable Slot (Empty, Empty)
-1 x Food Slot (Empty)
Terrain Features: No flight system. No inherrent hover capabilities.
Piloting Restrictions: None so far.
Notes: I love this thing, I really do. In my opinion this is a good solid upgrade to the Zaku I if you're using it reguarly and perhaps even a pretty good upgrade for a Zaku II. On it's own it's also a good medium classification unit capable of bringing a little more to the battle than what looks to be a pretty standard stat line.
The Flipper sees a reduction in it's mobilty compared to the Zaku II or Zaku I but mounts an armor rating in the middle of the two. It also manages to push out a full 4 square movement letting it keep up with the rest of our Verein units without lagging behind and comes with the full McCoy of customization options.
An additional consumable slot along with the impressive hardpoint selection of a melee weapon two ranged weapons AND a Special Weapon gives the Flipper a ton of ranged options especially for Beam Shooter snipers like Emma or Bruno.
It also lacks the inherrent beam weakness often found on Gundam 0079 suits, a minor slip up or intentional? Either way that means it'll last longer should we run aground of beam weapons.
I find that mounting Stana's Quick Silver Layer on the Flipper to be absolutely awesome, especially if you plan on using the Beam Shooter on this unit, otherwise mounting any of the armor you picked up from Chapter 5's battle mastery and outfitting the Flipper with Cerberus Hand Cannons and a Boomerang will really help for Chapter 6.
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