Mass Production General Purpose Mobile Suit...
Obtained Where: Unit Survives Chapter 5
Fixed Weapons: None
-1 x Melee Weapon (Empty)
-2 x Ranged Weapon (Empty, Empty)
Adjustable Features:
-1 x Armor Slot (Empty)
-1 x Parts Slot(Empty)
-1 x Engine Slot (Empty)
-1 x Computer Slot (Empty)
-1 x Booster Slot (Empty)
-1 x Misc Slot (Empty)
-1 x Consumable Slot (Empty)
-1 x Food Slot (Empty)
Terrain Features: No flight system. No inherrent hover capabilities.
Piloting Restrictions: None so far.
Notes: It's the Zaku I but horrible. It's missing a movement square, it's got Zaku II terrain modifiers, horrible speed and horrible armor. That energy pool as well is tiny limiting the use of beam weapons.
Normally it'd be easy to look over the Zaku I ET but with the upcoming Chapter 6 and it's BALLS TO THE WALL requirement for damage output to secure all of the optional objectives means this unit is a viable option if you're finding Chapter 6 difficult.
Since the Covenant are going to be pretty much hitting us anyway unless you expend SP like crazy the ET can help cut losses by bringing more Medium sized Hand Cannons and close combat weapons to the field for taking out those pesky Battlecruisers.
Again no Beam weakness, so that's worth taking into account should we run into any beam based weaponry later on.
I guess I should just let you know that the Zakus aren't weak to beam themselves, it's the armor item that gives it beam weakness.
ReplyDeleteOh my, that's changed since Chapter 6.