It looks like the Federation might have refined beam weaponry to a point where it's both compact, powerful and affixed with a good ammunition reserve that won't drain off the engines of mobile suits. A shame they won't be able to give us any samples.
Bright hails the Tesseract after the initial tide of jubilation washes over, it's time to talk numbers. Jean's pretty excited at the idea of getting paid 40,000 for what turned out to be a pretty easy job but there is a problem.
Side 7 was pretty badly damaged by the attack inside the colony and now the White Base is carrying a great deal of civilian refugees. So many infact that it's current food stocks won't last. Bright'll need to keep some of the payment to purchase supplies elsewhere before they can make it to the nearest Federation supply base.
In exchange for the missing part of the payment however they'll be sending us some equipment the Federation salvaged from the battlefield, a stripped down ZakuII equipped with a machinegun and a heat hawk.
The wellbeing of civilians is always a priority and the Task Force gladly accept the substitute, we're still being paid half of the original modest sum.
If we obtain the battle mastery for this level Natalie informs us that our own salvage team managed to get some intact weaponry from the battlefield to help give our armory a boost. Not bad, not bad at all.
With that done the crew wish Bright safe travels and decide to celebrate the completion of their first contract by stuffing their faces with food, heck even the anti-social nun on board is given a chance to join in.
During the celebrations Jean puts forward the rather odd idea that the nun should pilot our new Zaku. A nun piloting a Zaku? Sounds like a rather unique fetish to me. Eitherway we've got ourselves a potential skilled new pilot if her training with Jean is anything to go by.
A new potential mission pops up during the trip to Earth, a garbled distress call is recieved from a location in space over three days away. It's not going to net us any money and it's not a real contract but it's something that'll hang over our head nagging at us if we don't respond. Despite a small argument over the distress call it looks like our course is set.
For completing Chapter 2-B we're given the following.
- 20,000 in cash
- New unit ZakuII
- Zaku Machinegun
- Zaku Heat Hawk
Achieving the battle mastery for this chapter also earns us.
- 2 x Zaku Machineguns
- Zaku Heat Hawk
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