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Thursday, 11 June 2009

Ch4 Epilogue "Please Give it to Me."

In another example of Anderson's boundless protagonist endurance Natalie walks in on the debreifing of the persons involved in this little accident only to find Anderson once again up and about not giving a damn about his near death experience.

Everyone's worried over what just transpired, except Keeruu because he's a bro. There's nothing to worry about though, whatever happened has had no lasting effects on Anderson and wasn't injured in his one man army rush on the King Bug so all's fine and dandy.

According to Natalie whatever happened to the Verein Zero has something to do with a virus called SERIKA, perhaps something left over in some overlooked M.I.V.S component still left behind in the cockpit. She requestions some help from Rey to Norton Anti-Virus that stuff right on out.

Normally we'd be interupted by Fiona dropping in on the meeting but if you've been paying attention to relationships and their flags then we get a great deal more dialogue before Miss Beautiful drops by. You need to have either Emma or Jean involved with Anderson.

Anderson will try to apologise to the team for his inability to act against the SERIKA virus. Being nice to Jean will result in her easily forgiving him, she trusts our brilliant commander but she'll forgive him more if he get's her some brand new weapons otherwise it's just a case of "It wasn't you fault anyway."

If Emma was brought along into the combat as a reinforcement then she'll also promise Anderson that if it'll ever happen again she'll stop him (With the power of love hopefully).

Other than these two little d'awww bits the additional cutscene helps explain the beserk like state of the Zero and Anderson's memory black out during the SERIKA take over.

Fiona's arrival to the meeting marks the beginning of the "companies" coup d'etat. They've acted much earlier than anyone expected and Fiona and her Raven are going to have to return to Earth pretty snappy. With the "companies" planning on establishing themselves as the true ruler of Earth though power some of the morally obliged or those tuned into the situation question the G.A.C's involvement.

It's pretty obvious that the G.A.C will remain out of this coup as the "companies" installing themselves as the controlling power on Earth may end up better the economy. Helping the "companies" though would be pretty bad for public image as well. Politics and capitolism! There's not alot else that can stand against the might of the "companies", the Earth Federation are too caught up in their war against Zeon and getting soundly thrashed and the UN are putting all their resources into containing the BETA.

Fiona also gives us a run down on the situation of Japan and it's involvment with BETA and the various super robots deployed in assiting UN forces. After giving us some useful information Fiona says her goodbyes. If we ever end up in Anatolia it might be worthwhile to find her...just as long as we don't end up becoming enemies in this mess.

Yohko's a little miffed that we can't do anything to stop the "companies"taking advantage of an Earth holding on by a thread against all it's enemies. If we've got a good relationship going on with Yohko she'll be comforted by the fact that we've been doing alot of good so far and is glad that she's able to get out there and helping the innocent people.

If we've been ignoring Yohko then she's simply humble with a case of "Eh, stuff happens."


It looks like Natalie and Rey may have a more involvement of the SERIKA virus than they first revealed. They're able to completly clear it because for some reason it's not in there at all but Natalie will install a trap system to catch it should it pop up again. Rey will pop the question (Not THE question) as to wether they should let everyone else know about their involvement with SERIKA.

If you chose to work on Natalie's relationship with Anderson over Jean then Natalie will be worried about the rest of the team finding out about the truth behind both her and Rey. Perhaps frightened of involving her new friends with something that might be way out of their league...

Otherwise it's a simple case of "It's not their problem" and the rest of the team don't have to know about anything.

Back on board the Tessaract Idris has picked up a new contract, one from the G.A.C specifically for us. Even though we've been exiled from the Amatsu they only want to deal with us "The G.A.C's only mobile force", at least we know where the rumours are coming from.

It's a really good contract as well, 100,000 in cash and a military market access upgrade and they sound pretty urgent. Consdiering the fat bank roll they're offering everyone's pretty much desperate to do it.

As an even better bonus we're getting our payment for the Rey Varista's test. We're also getting the experimental unit as well, concidering that technically we were the ones that "beat" the King Bug, along with a Maser Blade. If you got the battle mastery all sorted for this chapter then Rey's willing to let us have some additional components probably dripping in Varista brand logos.

A small argument will break out over who gets to use the new Maser Blade. If Jean's relationship with Anderson is pretty good then she'll almost win the argument with some sexual inuendo.

Oh Jean...

After all that's done it's tea time with the Albino Maido and normally that would be the end of the level.


Emma will pop by with a suprise for the commander. She's got a photo of everyone during the feast back on Libot which she presents to Anderson. It's a reminder to him that no matter what happens he now has an awesome bunch of friends who'll look out for him. D'awww.

- Some money, which has mysteriously dissapeared from the contract.
- New unit Demitris
- Maser Blade

If we cleared the battle mastery conditions we also get
- Sloped Armor
- Dual Mode Propulsors

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