Fire Support Walking Cannon Fodder...
Obtained Where: Military Market. 8,500
Fixed Weapons:
- Red-Light Cannon
- None!
Adjustable Features:
-1 x Armor Slot (Empty)
-1 x Engine Slot (Empty)
-1 x Misc Slot (Empty)
-1 x Consumable Slot (Empty)
-1 x Food Slot (Empty)
Terrain Features: No flight system. No inherrent hover capabilities.
Piloting Restrictions: None so far.
Notes:Eye am not the strongest. The E.Y.E is available the first time you have access to the military market for a pretty hefty cost of 8,500 insert universal currency here so it can be a little difficult to afford as you'll be spending most of the time upgrading the equipment on your more customizable units.
It's comparable to the Verein Zero except that the Zero actually gets customizability a little later on whilst the E.Y.E remains just an E.Y.E.
Lacking a booster slot and any hardpoints the only person who can really take advantage of the unit is Bruno but he remains right at home in a Beam Shooter equipped Verein which is way more cheaper to put together.
The only real advantage the E.Y.E has is it's medium size and it's terrain modification for ground which is a step up from the Verein so it might be a rather silly anti-capship turret.
The single attack the E.Y.E has is the Red-Light Cannon, a range 1-6 beam based attack with 150 attack power. This attack drains 20 energy so without a good solid engine it's going to drain this pretty fast.
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