Construction work...well every little bit of money helps and it means we'll get to stay around Libot for a little while, might even get a chance to hang out with Stana a little longer. It's also the first time the team will be able to get off the ship and go out and about.
Even better the team get to indulge in their favourite past time, EATING, thanks to one of the G.A.C sponsors being a high roller in the resteraunt buisness. If you've been developing a relationship with Emma then she'll feel a little worried that the Anderson won't be around.
Real swanky stuff here and the students deserve the time off. Think of it as an apology for getting everyone kicked out of Amatsu. Everyone of...a more deplorable social status is floored by the complexity of the menu but Shiina seems to be a natural for picking out dishes perhaps this could be connected to her forgotten background?
If the boys won the quiz in sub mission 2 then Keeruu will take this moment to try and apologise for being a sore winner to the suprise of everyone else. Yohko's in silent deredere mode but it looks like there could be something starting between the two.
It takes a while but eventually everyone get's around to ordering some fancy looking dish with Tenea going for pizza. If Emma's got her eyes on Anderson then a lengthy conversation sparks up over Anderson's involvement with the quiz game and everyone genuienly bonds together in their own way before attention turning back to Anderson's current whereabouts.
Score, we're getting our money and a new frame for our efforts as a bonus on top. Not bad for menial work. With work finished and with a fair few hours left in the day Anderson can join the rest of the team and get some food down his throat or at least he could...
A fair maiden in distress, and she's found our weakspot. Anderson ever the gentleman has to assist such a charming young lady in getting where she needs to go.
After escorting her the majority of the way whilst having a rather odd conversation we're given a choice when we pass by the resteraunt where everyone else is.
Part Ways Here
We point her in the right direction of where she needs to go, it's only two blocks away so she should be able to make it from here. The two trade contact details should the little girl ever wish to find refuge on the Amatsu colony and Anderson goes to join his friends.
Because we didn't take a detour we're in time for finishing off the meal, Tenea (And Emma if she likes Anderson) have been saving some of the pizza for him. Some bromance between Bruno and Keeruu sours the mood a little but everyone's having a blast.
If you're in a good relationship with Emma she'll try feeding Anderson herself. Daw. In the end it's been a refreshing experience and everyone seems revitalized by the fancy meal.
- 5,000 in cash
- New Frame [Molior]
- Relationship boost with Emma
Escort Her the Rest of the Way
We're ditching our friends for a little longer but this girl here's calling Anderson Onii-Chan. On our extended trip to our destination 'Onii-Chan' explains to the little girl his status on the Amatsu and his new role as a mercenary. She's indebted to us and the two trade contact information before they say goodbye.
Anderson'll return to the resteraunt but by now the food's gone cold. Oh well waste not want not.
- 5,000 in cash
- New Frame [Molior]
- Little Girl Flag 1
Additional Reward if you Lost the Quiz
- Keeruu develops a relationship boost with Yohko as the focus
Tsukuyomi Task Force
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