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Sunday, 7 June 2009

Sub Mission 2 "It's Green, Trust Me."

Another mission down the pipe and it's time to unwind with another sub mission, but this one's a little different. Fingers on buzzers friends for this one is a real pub quiz...

The Tessaract is a good few days out from responding to the rather suspect S.O.S signal and it's nothing but empty space from Side 7 to it's given coordinates. There's not alot to do onboard for the pilots apart from to give the simulator a couple more runs or just generally hang out and we've really given the simulator one hell of a work out already.

Anderson stops by Jean's quarters to see if there's any small contracts that can fill the time only to run across one of the rarest finds of the century, a sad Jean.
Anderson ever the gentlemen and empathic commander is willing to do anything to improve morale. On reaching the Tesseract crew lounge the situation becomes clear. The entire Verein test team are here and they're passing the time with a trivia quiz game. It's the guys versus the girls and the guys have won two games already and the girls are at none.

Rane's hosting the game, Natalie's too busy running the ship to join in, Hotariko is too busy being tsun tsun to join in, Idris is a robot, and Albino Maido doesn't want to get involved when Anderson isn't involved, that means the girls team is outnumbered.

Looks like Anderson's bound by his code of honor and made an honourary girl for this session (MASSIVE MISSED POTENTIAL FOR THE GIRLS TO GIVE ANDERSON A COMPLETE MAKE OVER ALONG WITH PIG TAILS).

It's time to knock down the boys' ego a peg so bring on the next topic!
...things are pretty stacked for the boys team. Can't be helped though, the topics are randomly pulled it just so happens to be the third topic in a row that favors 'bro' knoweledge. Que the music maestro.

How well you do in the quiz will effect the relationships amongst your fellow pilots. Most of the girls are pretty lost when it comes to video game questions but Emma does a great job in supporting you with what little she knows so it's pretty much up to you two.

Winning the quiz sends the girl team into jubilation and we end up learning a bit more about Emma's story as everyone quizzes her on why she knew a fair bit about classic video games. It's pretty interesting stuff which leads to Anderson having to step into the role of White Knight saving his princess for a bit which is cute.

The girls of the girls team will hold a special place in their hearts for Anderson and Jean gets to order around Bruno for a bit.

Losing the quiz sends Keeruu into super smug sore winner mode which just ends up pissing off Yohko and annoying everyone else. The consequences are pretty slapstick comical but Keeruu had it coming.

Anderson tried his best but in the end he couldn't stop the girl's loosing streak. At least one positive will come out of this though it's effects won't be felt until a little later on.

Now that THAT's out of the way Anderson can finally ask the resident mercenary to see if there's any small contracts available. Turns out the Global Cortex is buzzing with junk contracts and nothing else, oh well at least some time was killed.

Back at his quarters Anderson will share a cute moment with Tenea. She truley can melt hearts.

Win the Quiz
- Anderson and Emma share a relationship boost with each other.
- Relationship boost with Jean.
- Relationship boost with Yohko.

Lose the Quiz
- Future development in sub mission 3.

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