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Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Ch 1 Prologue "Idlewild"

All stories need to start somewhere. Nothing like a bit of sobering Aeolia Schenberg to get you started or to remind you of the ultimate cutsey goal you are required to accomplish since of course you are the good guys...

As with all original intros you're hammered with a plethora of new names, new faces and to the detriment of some abbreviations. Some of these are explained, others are not perhaps either to keep the players in the dark or just a minor omission by the scripters.

Just as with a good majority of tactical RPGs plot exposition is presented through a background image setting a scene and disembodied heads chatting away and conversing with one another. Although not very animated there is however a good library of good quality character portraits to be found here (really good quality).

Although at times the script can be somewhat rough around the edges it still manages to communicate what it has to (delicious typos) and is unfortunately effected by good old Japanese text wrapping. Awesome.

Anyway I digress, onto a quick and gritty plot synopsis.

An alliance of tradesmen and economic power blocks known as the G.A.C work tirelessly to stimulate systemwide economic growth through free trade and diplomatic talks designed to open up borders between the many number of colonies in our solar system.

Their headquaters is the Amatsu Space Station, a combination of space colony and a major lynchpin in space bourne trading routes throughout the system.

Frightened by the prospect of one of the many other alliances or potentially a much more powerful nation deciding that the militaryless G.A.C or the undefended Amatsu Space Station might be a rich target to annex there's really only one option, to develop their own defence force to act as a preventative.

With so many rich traders, and buisnessmen willing to put in resources developing, maintaining and funding a mecha unit doesn't seem too far fectched. The only problem lies with the fact that without any millitary force to draft skilled soldiers or pilots from the G.A.C can only rely on an ambassador's well off son and a collection of teenagers trained on video games. Herp a friggin' derp.

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