Mass Production M.I.V.S Prototype Mecha
First Deployment: Chapter 1
Fixed Weapons: None
-1 x Melee Weapon (Straight Cutter)
-1 x Ranged Weapon (Light Machinegun)
-1 x Special Weapon (Impact Launcher)
Adjustable Features:
-1 x Armor Slot (Silicon Steel Alloy)
-1 x Parts Slot(Empty)
-1 x Engine Slot (Nanohydrogen Fuel Cell)
-1 x Computer Slot (M.I.V.S)
-1 x Booster Slot (Dual-mode Propulsers)
-1 x Misc Slot (Empty)
-2 x Consumable Slot (Empty, Empty)
-1 x Food Slot (Empty)
Terrain Features: No flight system. No inherrent hover capabilities.
Piloting Restrictions: None so far.
Notes: Ah the good old Verein. Your first controllable unit in the game the Verein will set your overall standards for every other suit and to be painfully honest the Verein isn't going to bowl you over with it's empty load out but that's why I love it.
Sub Average terrain modifiers, a modest empty speed, an uninspiring HP Pool and sufficient armor the Vereins aren't your typical run of the mill backflipping firing from upside down agile real robots, they're grunts. Grunty grunts. Stick their shields in the ground, find some cover and weather the storm style 08th MS Team units that rely on unit cohesion, ample use of support from allied units and true grit.
Verein units become powerhouses when you take the time to adjust their standard load to something that suits their individual pilots, this is where the customization aspect of SRWCF really kicks in.
From an empty load to a full Vereins will still quite reguarly take hits so prioritize on better armor and equipping them with a shield before letting them loose on the battle field unsupported.

Slot-Frame/Verein Leader Kitbash
First Deployment: Chapter 2
Fixed Weapons:
-Data Zero
-Nibel Dirk
- None!
Adjustable Features:
-1 x Frame (Empty)
-1 x Armor Slot (SiliconSteelAlloy)
-1 x Engine Slot (Nanohydrogen Fuel Cell)
-1 x Misc Slot (Empty)
-2 x Consumable Slot (Empty, Empty)
-2 x Food Slot (Empty, Empty)
Weaknesses: Physical Rounds, Electric, Beam.
Terrain Features: No flight system. No inherrent hover capabilities.
Piloting Restrictions: Anderson only.
Notes: Oh dear. With an empty load out the Zero has half the armor rating compared to a standard Verein unit and it also comes with several weaknesses slapped onto it as well and to top all that off it has even worse terrain modifiers and less customization options.
The Zero will be Anderson's achilles heel and it's combat abilities look hampered with it's 'poor' selection of inbuilt weapons.
If you dig a little deeper though and explore it's initial weapon options the Zero can be pretty good depending on the situation.
The Nibel Dirk is a range 1-2 post movement close combat attack with an added shock effect. Any targets hit by the shock are unable to counter attack for the battle phase and at the same time much more easier to hit. With a bit of tactical application you can effectivley neuter a unit for a turn.
The Zero Data ability is a point blank post movement attack that requires Anderson to be at 120 morale to fire off. I haven't had a complete chance to fully test this ability out yet but with the idea that it assimilates enemy units to your side the tactical options with this attack are vast.
If you don't plan on grinding through the simulator spend your initial funds on getting the Zero the best armor you can afford to counteract it's poor armor and weaknesses.
But the Zero can't equip shields because it doesn't have a part slot. =o
ReplyDeleteOh dear. There seems to have been a glitch in our data banks.