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Wednesday, 3 June 2009

In Depth: Verein Originals Levels 1-10

Anderson Haaru

Starting Level:
Terrain Modifiers: Air- B Ground- A Water- C Space- A
SP Commands: Fleeting 10, Attention 25
Passive Abilities: Command, Leadership Lvl 2, Intercept Lvl 3, Slasher Lvl 1, Shield Block Lvl 1, Helper Lvl 1
Weapon Preference: Great all round. Very minor melee advantage.
Notes: Commander of the Verein Team and one of two pilots who have clocked up a great deal of time in a mecha, Anderson's stats show off his role overtly both through numbers and his vast library of piloting abilities. This together combined with a very powerful SP Command listing makes Anderson a beast in any combat situation.
His command ability helps mitigate damage during support attacks by making his support attacker follow up right after him potentially destroying the target before it has a chance to retaliate.
Leadership grants any friendly unit next to him a +5 bonus to evasion and accuracy per level which just further enhances support attacks and gives everyone a general boost. There's no questioning that Anderson's role is that of group cheerleader, sitting smack dab in the middle of your powerhouses.
His SP Command list is absolutley insane as well, Fleeting provides a +5 movement boost for 10 SP which helps offset his unit's inability to mount bigger thrusters and Attention gives him a full turn of Lock-On and Flash for just 25 SP, this includes your phase and the enemy. Almost entirely because of Attention Anderson can lock down an entire battlefield unsupported .
On hitting level 10 his Leadership, Shield Block and Helper ability go up by a level but no new SP Commands pop up from 7-10.
The only real weakness Anderson has is his unit the Verein Zero which starts life as a very poor unit with alot less customization options available for it making his deployment for the first few stages a little dicey.
Character Notes: As the main character of the originals Anderson suffers from a multitude of heroic characteristics including but not limited too, selflessness, "But you were almost dead!" "I got better.", a general disregard for rigid military formalities and a charismatic laid back attitude. He hillariously let's his megalomania and moralfag attitude loose during one sub mission. Overall a very Animu and entertaining leadertype who's overpowered to boot.

Bruno Rodriguez
Starting Level: 3
Terrain Modifiers: Air- A Ground- A Water- C Space- A
SP Commands: Great Effort 20
Passive Abilities: Intercept Lvl 2, Helper Lvl 1
Weapon Preference: Ranged Attacks
Notes: Bruno's a real solid ranged attacker who isn't too bad at all with a melee weapon as well. His passive abilities seem to support a sniper based role as his only defensive capabilities is intercept, sniping missiles out of the sky! He initially starts with no real ground breaking SP Command short of Great Effort which'll boost his exp gain.
At Level 5 he'll gain Concentrate a good old bread and butter SP Command that gives a base +30% to accuracy and evasion results and even better at level 9 he'll probably be one of your first pilots to learn Hot Blood, head shots anyone?
At level 10 his Intercept and Helper will go up by one level.
There's no real weakness short of surviability options and a very minor drop in accuracy growth compared to everyone else making him a potential power house if you arm his unit with the biggest sniping weapon you can find or afford.
Character Notes: I like to think of Bruno as the V-Team's representation of the recent trend of playboy esque pretty boy snipers that have been popping up in mecha serieses, from Full Metal Panic to Macross Frontier. A real ladies man that manages to keep his stupid lines to himself, Bruno plays off Keeru's more obvious perverse nature to keep the heat off himself. Good characteristics and a well defined role.

Emma Galstein
Starting Level: 3
Terrain Modifiers: Air- A Ground- C Water- C Space- B
SP Commands: Mercy 10
Passive Abilities: Slasher Lvl 2, Shield Block Lvl 1, Helper Lvl 1
Weapon Preference: Purely ranged attacks
Notes: Another pilot who's preferences are that of long range combat, Emma easily fills the role of a second sniper who has greater options of survivability compared to Bruno. Although her ranged stat isn't as high it's very close to Bruno's. Her accuracy and evasion are worlds better and her reflex and skill stats are nothing to scoff at either.
Mercy will assit alot in helping Ray to earn experience but this SP Command is quickly overshadowed by Concentrate at level 4 and Flash at level 5, giving Emma even more defensive options on the run and with her inately large SP pool she can afford to use these abilities often.
At level 9 she gains a level boost to Slasher and at level 10 another helping of Helper.
Emma's real weakness lies in melee, being the second worse in the team but this is offset by everything else. Just give her a slash capable melee weapon and think nothing of it.
Another weakness of hers is her poor terrain modifiers. A C-Rank on ground can really hamper things when it comes to evasion and defence. Hopefully she'll be equipped with some form of flight pack on any gravity based levels.
Character Notes: There's something oddly endearing about Emma which happens to show in the polls on the SRWCF blog. Perhaps it's that delicious hairclip of her's. Maybe it's the 'girl next door' persona that she's adopted. Maybe it's because she's an onee-chan. Or it could just be a case that statistically she's just a really good character to have on the field.
Eitherway she may not have a personality that'll move planets but there's just this god damn endearing part about her that makes you want to deploy her.

Starting Level: 2
Terrain Modifiers: Air- B Ground- A Water- B Space- A
SP Commands: Concentrate 15
Passive Abilities: Helper Lvl 1
Weapon Preference: Great all round. Preference for Melee.
Notes: Ikarane is a lesser Anderson in disguise, except without a padded out passive ability chart to draw from. She can fill any role confidently and also has some great utilitity with her SP listing.
Concentrate right off the bat make her an ideal choice for opening up attacks and Fetter which'll pop up at level 5 gives her a 10 SP ability that slows down any enemy target to 1 Movement on their next turn. Fetter can be crucial to aquiring certain battle masteries and aquring certain suits so try to find room for Ikarane in any battle you can.
Super Guts will also put it's foot in the doorway at level 10, a full heal for the cost of 40 SP that could save her bacon in some tricky cases or if you're looking to delay the enemy for a turn with some bait.
Ikarane's weakness is her poor passive ability listing. She only gets a level boost to helper at level 10.
Character Notes: The cool, cold, quiet female of the group, Ikarane reminds me of OG's Villeta. A consummate hacker who's skills are touched on quite reguarly through out the story both through lulzy implications and more serious natured requests. I like to think of Ikarane as the 'straight man' of the group who'll do things if they need to be done just because no matter the implications.

John Corry
Starting Level: 2
Terrain Modifiers: Air- A Ground- B Water- B Space- C
SP Commands: Super Guts 40
Passive Abilities: Slasher Lvl 1, Helper Lvl 1
Weapon Preference: Melee Attacks
Notes: John is a Super Robot pilot trapped in a Real gunt with slightly less evasion and reflex compared to everyone else. His melee attribute is a nice solid round number putting him right at the front of battle and his ranged capabilities are also pretty solid as well.
Super Guts at the start is like sticking a giant "Give me armor and HP" sign but is incredibly costly around level 10 John can use this ability twice without fattening himself on consumables. Level 7 gives you an alternative to Super Guts with Flash at a discounted cost of 10 SP compared to it's normal cost of 15 SP. This gives you a little more breathing room with John's SP pool especially if you plan on using him as a pure counter attack damage dealer.
He only gains a level boost to helper at level 10 but that's fine for a damage sponge.
Character Notes: John may come off as a bit of a dick at times, perhaps because he hasn't really had a time to shine in any way with his personality so far. He feels like a reaction face image most of the time as his only real dynamic so far has been to yell at Ray alot and look bermused but hey at least he cares that Jackie's gone.
With a bit of luck he'll do something significant or I am going to throughly enjoy using him as a damage sponge.

Keeruu Alhamdah
Starting Level: 3
Terrain Modifiers: Air- B Ground- A Water- D Space- A
SP Commands: Accelerate 10
Passive Abilities: Helper Lvl 1
Weapon Preference: Sufficient all round.
Notes: A great all rounder who's real emphasis is on his Accelerate SP Command. His good stats all round combined with a 10 SP +3 burst to movement let him fill a sweeper role where he can assist anywhere he needs to on the battlefield in any readily available role, from decoy, to support defence or just generally tagging mission objectives.
He'll also pick up Endurance Lvl 1 at level 5, a passive pilot ability that reduces the damage he takes when guarding, a possible foreshadowing to a super robot upgrade? Either way it's a useful ability that is easily forgotten about but can make a difference.
Lock On also pops up at level 9 which also gives you the option of arming Keeruu's unit with inaccurate weapons.
Keeruu's only real weakness is that overall he's 'good'. Not amazing at anything. Just 'good'.
Character Notes: A true bro. Keeruu really is a case of bros before hoes, with something perverse on his mind at almost every other time and blurting out what any man would say in potentially erotic situations.
When paired with Bruno you get a good sense of the two's commaderie and they bounce off each other really well which makes them entertaining.
I don't know what it is, but I can't help but arm Keeruu with a boomerang and picture him yelling "Keeruu Toma-haaaawk!" every time he tosses it, I guess it fits his more relaxed piloting nature. Also likes Tony Taka artwork.

Ray Va'shir
Starting Level:
Terrain Modifiers: Air- C Ground- C Water- C Space- B
SP Commands: Great Effot 20, Flash 15
Passive Abilities: Helper Lvl 1
Weapon Preference: Melee. Just Melee.
Notes: Oh god where do we start. Ray is a bad pilot something he admits freely and this shows in his starting stats. Poor everything. Ray will constantly clock in sub-average damage with melee attacks and even worse with ranged attacks making him an ideal candidate to arm with an XT-Sycthe.
Even with Great Effort to boost his experience gain his stat growth is still quite poor with only Evasion and Accuracy reaching respectable levels. Also his only real boost all the way up to level 10 is the expected addition to Helper.
All in all he's bad at everything.
Character Notes:
With an inferiority complex and the death of Jackie hanging over his head it's easy to feel sorry for Ray, then you look at his stats and you feel slightly better. He's OG's Russel without any useful parts and Ray has no Katina to hang onto. There is however one bright light at the end of the tunnel, potential plot haxs. I might even find a way to change his theme tune to a Cirno theme.

Starting Level: 3
Terrain Modifiers: Air- B Ground- S Water- B Space- C
SP Commands: Lock On 25
Passive Abilities: Helper Lvl 1
Weapon Preference: Melee Attacks.
Notes: S Rank in Ground. S RANK IN GROUND. Sure a good portion of the first few chapters are set in space but god damn S RANK IN GROUND.
Yohko's forté is quick, accurate and punishing melee attacks and relies on killing the enemy before they can shoot back for surviabilitiy but it's not long untill level 7 when she learns Sense.
Her SP listing continues the trend of quick hit and runs in that their effects are massive but very short term.
At level 5 she'll learn Mechanic Lvl 1, a passive ability that increases the effect of any repair job she might be involved in, a skill that is rarely used at this moment in the game. Hopefully this won't relegate her to wondering around the battlefield in a repair capable mech fixing up her friends as she is a really good pilot.
Yohko's weakness lies in the fact that she's only Rank C in space but this is easily balanced out by S RANK IN GROUND GOD DAMN.
Character Notes: It's hard to pin down what sort of role Yohko currently plays in the group characteristic wise. I currently envision her as the unofficial leader of the Amatsu trainee pilots, held ultimatley responsible for keeping Keeruu in check and that everyone's ready to rock and roll when it's time to launch.
She also believes in helping everyone that the group can which helps add some form of dynamic. Maybe she's a real maternal figure head.


  1. But what about Jacqueline Smith? I thought S.E.R.I.K.A. was fond of the dead girl =)
